Through the Social Butterfly World Network, this niche opportunity provides reach and interaction with millions of consumers through our custom tailored programs.
■ Visibility and Impact: The recall rate of mobile advertising is 97%*
– 91% of target audiences notice both text
and graphics*
– Individual vehicle advertising generates
30,000 – 70,000 daily vehicle impressions*
■ Cost Efficiency: Compare mobile wrap advertising costs to other advertising mediums. This is one of the lowest CPM in the market!
■ Flexibility: Your full or partial messages can be changed easily and quickly at minimal costs
■ Product Placement Available
■ Space Available Inside Buses
■ Calls to Action: SMS technology that provides coupons and offers instantly
■ 3D Wraps Available
■ Illuminated Wraps Available
■ Wrap 10, 15, 20, 30 buses at once
■ Run numerous campaigns simultaneously with your fleet of wrapped vehicles
■ Great Brand Publicity
■ Connects consumer with your brand
■ 1 year to 2 year contracts available
■ Pricing varies depending on quantity, creative, production and installation/removal fees